Colours...reflection of our mood and even in some cases our personality. So I absolutely pay attention for the colour of my mood..In Autumn of 2001 my mood had to be very very colourful. While wandering and enjoying myself in Contemporary Painting Exhibition in Paris this beautiful painting of Senecal Guy touched my colourful mood in such a way that I immediately decided to purchase it..and I did and since that year hunging on the wall of my house..The painting offered me different feeling each time and always excited about its hidden charm and surprises..so here I am sharing this with you . GUY SENECAL is soft speaking gentle person but when he is painting he becomes different person and goes beyond the reality .Enjoy his colours and hidden surprises here and there.. so lets look at the painting in detail now... Love that man hunging in the air while the bird looks so strong and the woman is so determined. Yet hair of the woman is a duck unconcern about man and the bird ...