SORCHUS ARVENSIS ( a terrorist plant? )
Sorchus Arvensis is one of the wild plant grows and completes its life cycle on my terrace. In nature we step on it and never notice it unless we lean down and look at its details. When examine closely one becomes aware of its beautiful features. Reading about Sorchus Arvensis , clearly shows that it represents the modesty in nature . Apperently it gets very little out of soil because it grows under any soil condition . Yet it offers some medical values. So here some of its contributions ; -good as a livestock feed , new growth can be eaten by sheep -excellent forage for rabbits -it has some minor elements for the diet of North American birds -young leaves may be cooked or be eaten raw like spinach and salad -the leaves are rich in mineral salts and vitamin C , they contain about 45 to 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 gr -stems can be cooked like asparagus -roots can be used as coffee substitute like chicory roots medically it is anti-inflammatory , its tea from roots can be used in ...