Digitalis purpurea is one of my favorite plant . From seed to flower needs 2 years and in that respect needs a lot of patience and well caring especially the first year . It occupıes pots for two years and for a terrace garden this is difficult to handle . Yet it is absolutely marvelous plant when blooms and certainly it worths to wait 2 long years .It blooms in early summer and on stem bloom moves upward . Blooming season can extend up to one month .Beside being very beautiful it is an important medical plant and very well know. One may find many reading about it..So I dont write medical use of in detail . It is used in modern medicine to increase force of contraction in congestive heart failures. Elevates blood pressure in weak heart . It is lethally toxic therefore must be used under the doctors survaillance.
First-year rosette type of digitalis leaf can be mistaken with the leaves of Comfrey with fatal results. So special attention must given to this plant. Literature notes that therapeutic dose of Digitalisis dangerously close to lethal dose..So this ıs the plant I like most despite all
Pictures taken by C Y Oncelay if use it please give this page as referance