This beautiful plant blooms end of May .Its flower is bright yellow and bundle of stamens .It is very easy to recognize and identify this particular species. In The Royal horticulture Society's Encyclopedia, anther (tip of the stamen) of Hypericum Calycinum is red . Dr. Turhan Baytop'sA Dictionary of Vernacular Names of Wild Plants of Turkey , anthers are yellow as in the picture given here. A bit confusing .. I must note it here that variety Hypericum Cerastioides' anters also yellow . More careful identication is needed at this point. Comments are welcomed .Another confusing point is dwarf varieties like full sun Hypericum Calycinum thrive in partial or deep shade. The one I am presenting here is a drawf one. So name stays a bit controversial .From Bulgarian border to Province Kastamonu seem to be its natural habitat. Locally Kantaron oil extracted from it. It is useful for wound healing.This particular plant was introduced in England at the end of 17 th century. Samples then were collected from Belgrade forest 20 km from Istanbul .So I wait eagerly to see it is blooming on my terrace every year..I enjoy this beauty...

Picture taken by C Y Oncelay


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