As I mentioned in previous article , my terrace garden has a collection of 200 plants . Mostly from the Marmara region. Some I brought from southern part of Turkey and very few from inland .So I observe all of them carefully , their growing habits and their biological clock .One of the very first plant flowers in spring is a Viola Riviniana (Common Dog Violet) . Its flower is a true marvel , heavily veined lowest petal surrounded by bearded petals. Zoom in and enjoy the details. I enjoyed this first spring flower on my terrace and literature says it is also edible except yellow species which may cause mild cathartic.How you use it in your kitchen...Experienced horticulturists and gourme lovers say that it can be add to salad or cooked green . As soup thickener , wow nice way to express . From dried leave tea can be made . In France flower parts can be added into candies. And it is good to know that it is rich in vitamin A and C .Viola Odorata is close relative of Riviniana . Parts of the Odorata can be used as mild laxative , gargle for sore throats , blood purifier ,for asthma and skin eruption such as eczema.In China variety Viola Yedoens prescribed as anti inflammation , and for certain tumorsSo I welcome this useful beautiful and delicate plant in every spring.
Another purple flower which bloom at the same time with Viola is Iris Ruthenica .
there is no note in literature about its edible characteristic. And no Doctor advise this plant for any purpose..Yet it is beautiful ornamental plant. I found this particular plant at Yedigoller National Park 40 km from Bolu of Turkey. Now I maintain it in pot at my terrace. İt is an exciting plant for me to
Pictures are taken by Cemil Yavuz Oncelay . Please give this page as referance if you use these pictures .